The Queen’s Gambit: Walter Tevis

This is a good book. I think a lot of people from a lot of different places in life and with differing viewpoints will enjoy it. You probably will too. I recommend reading it.

The only criticism I will offer is that the TV series — while very true to the novel — was presented better. I don’t often say that about movie/TV versions of popular books. I do about this one.

Read the book. First. Then watch the TV series. In that order. I believe you’ll enjoy both.

Run Away: Harlan Coben

Coben’s recurring Myron Bolitar series remains my favourite of the Coben books, but each of his standalone novels contains the kernel of what makes all of his characters so compelling: unrelenting, pure, unresentful, selfless love for the others in their lives, be it child, parents, siblings, husband, wife or partner.

I love them all.