The Queen’s Gambit: Walter Tevis

This is a good book. I think a lot of people from a lot of different places in life and with differing viewpoints will enjoy it. You probably will too. I recommend reading it.

The only criticism I will offer is that the TV series — while very true to the novel — was presented better. I don’t often say that about movie/TV versions of popular books. I do about this one.

Read the book. First. Then watch the TV series. In that order. I believe you’ll enjoy both.

11-year-old detained for Lego Shopping

You’re a pre-teen and want to walk on the wild side in Canada? Forget trying to cadge some cigarettes, lemon gin or a bag of dope if you live in Calgary. The real illegal contraband that will get you detained is Lego.

A Calgary dad says he wants an apology after Lego Store staff called security on his 11-year-old son.

Doug Dunlop told CBC News his son Tadhg, an avid Lego collector, visited the Chinook Centre store on April 26 with $200 of his own money. When store staff found out Tadhg was 11, they called security and Tadhg was asked to wait until his dad arrived.

“I was, of course, shocked,” Dunlop said.

The manager told him the store’s policy requires children under 12 to be accompanied while shopping.

But Dunlop told CTV News that Tadhg had shopped in the store alone many times before.

“That policy is not posted anywhere, and I think it’s a ridiculous rule. Their core customers are 9- to 11 year-olds,” he said.

A Lego spokesperson told the network the company’s biggest concern is for children’s safety, and that the store was just following protocol.

Dunlop wrote in a blog post that the security guard he spoke with claimed child abductions were frequent at the mall, and that both the guard and manager implied Dunlop was a bad parent if he didn’t understand why leaving his son alone in a store was dangerous.

In an update posted Wednesday, he wrote that he had spoken with a Lego Store district manager, who agreed to put up a sign in the store stating its policy.

However, he still wants both the store manager and the security guard to apologize.

“Please understand that I am not asking that the Lego Store run a babysitting service for anyone who comes to the mall,” he wrote. “I am merely asking that paying customers of any age be treated with the respect that they deserve.”